CIDM – International Centre for the Documentation of Mosaics – is a section of the Art Museum in Ravenna, born in 2003 thanks to funding of European project Interreg III A Transfrontaliero Adriatico, Siti Unesco Adriatici, wich later became EX.PO AUS (EXtension of POtentiality of Adriatic UNESCO Sites).
The main activities are study, research and diffusion of the knowledge of mosaics from Justinian’s age to our days. The collection is exhibited on the ground floor of museum and it show mosaics from XX century, with works made during restoration of Byzantine and paleochristian mosaics, until pieces of Modern Mosaic exhibition (1959). Also, CIDM organizes a biennial festival, GAeM – Giovani Artisti e Mosaici -, where new artists can express oneself throught their mosaic works.
The CIDM has also a specialized library and an archive open to visitors, wich preserve important documents, files about Mosaicisti Group’s works, historical photographs and drafts for numerous mosaics.
Since 2003, CIDM manages a collection of modern mosaics at the Art Museum, an electronic, on-line catalog of ancient and modern mosaics – Banca dati del Mosaico and banca dati Mosaicisti Contemporanei – and organizes exibitions.