Il Parco della Pace a Ravenna. Esperienze di restauro del mosaico contemporaneo

The Park of Peace in Ravenna is an outdoor museum, where you can admire the permanent exhibition of some mosaic art works. All the mosaics, produced since 1984 by the most important mosaicists of the international artistic scene, draw inspiration from the theme of peace.
The volume ‘Il parco della pace a Ravenna. Esperienze di restauro del mosaico contemporaneo’  (The park of Peace in Ravenna. Restoration experiences of contemporary mosaic), was published in 2009 and presented at the first International Festival of Contemporary Mosaic (ravennamosaico). The book, which was written with the collaboration of the Sopraintentenza, the city and MAR – CIDM, shows the main phases of the preservation and the restorations of the mosaics, under the coordination of a technical-scientific group of the ‘Scuola di Alta Formazione per il Restauro del Mosaico’, which is part of the ‘Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici di Ravenna’.
The section edited by CIDM amply draws the informations from its mosaic database (, which allows you to consult the catalographic cards dedicated to the art works in the Park of Peace.